
Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Threats To Completely End Democracy

Dear Friends,

As we continue on in our lives, losing more and more rights due to the corporate elite's control over our government, it should not surprise you that our democracy took another strong blow. California has followed the state of Washington in passing Proposition 14 which basically takes away the ability of a third party candidate to run for office. The corporate elite fear an outside party member elected to office of Congressman/Senator and President other than the two corrupted ones that currently exist. Proposition 14 was put forth, deceiving the constituents to believe that they would have more options, while in reality it severely limited them. The fact is that if a third party candidate who may not be corrupted was elected, the corporate elite would lose their grip over that particular state. They would not be able to benefit by a candidate who is not under obligation due to campaign contributions. Of course they would not let this happen and in fact did not, as Proposition 14 was passed by deception. The precedent first began in Washington State, now in California and who knows where else it will go. My guess is that eventually all the citizens of this country will be bound by law to only be able to vote for candidates from one of the two parties (which in actuality is one). People like Ralph Nader, the Green Party, the Tea Party, among others will not be able to run for high office. If this happens folks, we will eventually come under TOTAL control of the corporate elites, and eventually one world government. As we continually lose all of our rights set forth by the founding fathers, the Fourth Reich will arrive. Our mainstream media is already taken over, the internet is in imminent danger of being "regulated" (our last bastion of freedom), and tyranny is already upon us, unless we stand up, and fight for our return to a REAL democracy we will all end up under total control of a few very rich and powerful criminals. Please wake up and inform yourselves before it's too late.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Federal Appeals Panel Upholds District Judge's Order to block deep water oil drilling (what a surprise!)

Dear friends,

Another victory for the corporate elite. "Drill baby Drill!"! Sure, let's keep on drilling in the wake of the current "accident" so that another disaster will occur. It comes as no surprise that this panel of 3 judges upholds the District Judge',s order allowing the continuation of drilling. I wonder how much they are getting paid by these huge financial interests to uphold this order? What will our inept President and corrupt Congress do about this? Absolutely nothing is the answer. As long as we keep voting these evil, corrupt creatures into office, the blame is squarely upon us. But in actuality, we should know that even if we can elect even one honest, caring politician into office in the hope of changing the system, it will do no good. Look what happened to Cynthia Mckinney. She was one of the few who actually presented the truth and what happened? When it was time for her re-election, the Republicans put all their funds into her Democratic rival's campaign. They even had Republicans switch sides and vote in the democratic primary ensuring her loss (she was eventually re-elected but not before losing that particular election, due to a huge effort by many concerned residents of her district). It's so well known that if a new Congressperson or Senator is elected with the intent of change, they will be buried by the 'Good Ole Boys/Girls Club', not put on any meaningful committee in a power position and then lose their re-election bid. It's time to wake up folks. Join progressive groups, demonstrations, make your voice heard. Time is running out.

Group in Upstate SC Meets to discuss end of war

Dear Friends,

We know how desperately we need major changes in the US beginning with ousting our greedy, corrupt, and inept politicians. One of the most important changes is to end the war in Afghanistan. This war has absolutely nothing to do with killing the Taliban, rooting out insurgents or bringing "freedom and democracy" to another country. We are there for no other reasons other than building a gas pipeline(that will go to Europe and not have to run through Russia), extracting the enormous amount of lithium, and corporate greed (including companies like Halliburton and other defense contractors). The mainstream media is controlled by a few companies with their own agenda (and that is not putting out what is really going on). So for all of us to be really informed we must go to the internet (the last bastion of freedom) to receive the true news.
Yesterday afternoon I met with well renowned, author/activist Tim Gatto and his wife Sue Anne to create a force in South Carolina that is focused on ending the war in Afghanistan. There were a number of people that came to the meeting (which was set up by which reinforce our determination to recruit the masses needed. We are thinking up new strategies to show the people what is really going on. Tim and I have created 'The South Carolina Upstate Coalition' and have received a great deal of interest already and will continue the fight. Please join us, as we want an immediate end to this evil war.

Jason Marks