
Friday, July 9, 2010

Group in Upstate SC Meets to discuss end of war

Dear Friends,

We know how desperately we need major changes in the US beginning with ousting our greedy, corrupt, and inept politicians. One of the most important changes is to end the war in Afghanistan. This war has absolutely nothing to do with killing the Taliban, rooting out insurgents or bringing "freedom and democracy" to another country. We are there for no other reasons other than building a gas pipeline(that will go to Europe and not have to run through Russia), extracting the enormous amount of lithium, and corporate greed (including companies like Halliburton and other defense contractors). The mainstream media is controlled by a few companies with their own agenda (and that is not putting out what is really going on). So for all of us to be really informed we must go to the internet (the last bastion of freedom) to receive the true news.
Yesterday afternoon I met with well renowned, author/activist Tim Gatto and his wife Sue Anne to create a force in South Carolina that is focused on ending the war in Afghanistan. There were a number of people that came to the meeting (which was set up by which reinforce our determination to recruit the masses needed. We are thinking up new strategies to show the people what is really going on. Tim and I have created 'The South Carolina Upstate Coalition' and have received a great deal of interest already and will continue the fight. Please join us, as we want an immediate end to this evil war.

Jason Marks

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